- 2020 Garden Catalog List
- Colored Bark Mulch
- Fall Color in New England
- Fall Planting for Trees and Shrubs
- Fall Plantings, Successful Care
- Guidelines for Planting Trees and Shrubs
- Mulching and Weed Management in the Urban Landscape
- Water Conservation in the Home Garden and Landscape
- Why Hydranagea macrophylla Don’t Flower
- Yard Waste Management in Massachusetts
- Arborvitae Needle Blight
- Beech Bark Disease
- Brown Rot of Stone Fruits
- Coral-spot Nectria Canker
- Dieback of Eastern White Pine
- Oak Anthracnose
- Phomopsis Canker
- Phyllosticta Leaf Blotch
- Root and Butt Rot caused by Bondarzewia berkeleyi
- Root and Butt Rot caused by Kretzschmaria deusta
- Root and Butt Rot caused by Phaeolus schweinitzii
- Root and Butt Rot Pathogens of Oak (Quercus spp.)
- Stigmina Needle Cast
- Tar Spot of Maple
- Target Canker of Hardwoods
- Trunk Rot caused by Climacodon septentrionalis
- Tubakia Leaf Blotch
- Information Regarding Ticks and Tick-Bourne Diseases
- Protecting Pollinators from Pesticide Exposure While Managing Insect Pests in Landscapes
- Scouting for Defoliating Pests of Trees and Shrubs
- Scouting for Piercing-Sucking Pests of Trees and Shrubs
- Spotted Lanternfly
- Tree and Shrub Insecticide Active Ingredients: Alternative to Neonicotinoids
- Tree and Shrub Insecticide Active Ingredients: Risks to Pollinators and Other Non-Target Organisms