Learn all about Plant Propagation
Join us for a new series of workshops where you’ll learn how to make more plants inexpensively from cuttings to seeds, and take some home, too. Discover what can be done in the winter with houseplants and seed starting!
Sponsored by the Osterville Village Library, Master Gardener Association of Cape Cod, and the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension.
The community propagation workshop series are held at the Osterville Village Library, 43 Wianno Ave, Osterville, MA 02655 map
Saturday, March 15, 2025
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. SOLD OUT
Join master gardener Brittany Lord to discover the best practices for growing healthy and productive plants! We’ll explore how to choose appropriate cultivars and address the importance of proper timing when deciding when to sow. We’ll also look at types of equipment, the germination environment, and how to avoid and address common problems encountered when growing from seed. Learn how to get your vegetable garden off to a great start in this hands-on session for new or seasoned gardeners. Advance registration required. $20 fee includes materials
This is a two-part workshop with materials provided. The first part is a Power Point presentation with Q&A while the second is a hands-on, hands-in-the-dirt experience. Take home your newly seeded tray of the vegetables of your choosing and grow them on to plant in your garden when the soil temperature is right.
Thursday, April 3, 2025
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Nothing says summer like harvesting fresh sun-ripened tomatoes straight from the garden. Join Russ Norton, Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Educator, as he delves into the juicy world of tomato propagation.
Learn about different tomato cultivars, best seeding practices and try your hand at grafting tomato seedlings. Each participant will go home with their grafted seedlings and newly seeded 6-packs of tomato cultivars of their choice. Advance registration required. $20 fee includes materials
Email: gardeners@capecod.gov
Phone: 508-375-6700

Ask a Master Gardener
Is a horticultural message an integral part of your event theme? We offer "Ask A Master Gardener" information tables at community events where we answer gardening questions and have handouts available on various current horticultural topics. Or request a presentation! Learn more about our Speakers Bureau here.