Soil pH

Notice: pH Soil Testing is currently suspended due to sewer work on Route 28.

A pH test measures how acidic or basic the soil is. The soil pH affects the ability of plants to take nutrients from the soil. For ideal plant growth, soil needs the proper pH level.

The Master Gardener Association can measure your soil's pH and recommend any soil amendments necessary. Soil samples may be dropped off at the Cooperative Extension office at 1358 Route 28, S. Yarmouth, or mailed. Soil Submission Form and Diagnostic forms are also available below the black mailbox at the door facing the main parking lot. Please be sure your sample is accompanied by one of these forms and that your sample is clearly marked with your name and any pertinent information. Samples can be placed in the mailbox when complete. Soil is tested at no cost to residents and the limit is 5 samples per household. It's important to follow the correct procedure for collecting a sample. Click the box below for the instructions and the form.

Soil Nutrient Testing

For a more comprehensive soil analysis, samples can be submitted to The University of Massachusetts Soil and Plant Tissue Testing Laboratory.

This lab offers detailed analyses of soil, compost, and soil-less greenhouse media. Go to the UMass site for information on how to submit a soil sample, forms and fees.

Soil Testing